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5 posts tagged with "Notice"

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· One min read

Starting on 15th May 2023 we will remove support for Cronos Testnet and Avalanche Testnet. Cronos Mainnet and Avalanche Mainnet will remain.

For developers building on these testnets, we recommend building on an alternate EVM testnet that is supported (such as Goerli, Sepolia etc), or use one of the following options:

· One min read

As outlined in an earlier post, today we have change the compute units (CUs) charged on the below endpoints will be changing as per the following table:

EndpointPrevious Compute UnitsNew Compute Units

Similarly, the CUs charged for the following query parameter has changed:

Query ParameterPrevious Compute UnitsNew Compute Units
include=internal_transactions on /{address}05
include=internal_transactions on /transaction/{transaction_hash}03
include=internal_transactions on /block/{block_number_or_hash}010

For more information about what CUs are and how they're charged, visit our Compute Units page.

· One min read

From 28th March 2023, the compute units (CUs) charged on the below endpoints will be changing as per the following table:

EndpointCompute Units

Similarly, the CUs charged for the following query parameter will be changing:

Query ParameterPrevious Compute UnitsNew Compute Units
include=internal_transactions on /{address}05
include=internal_transactions on /transaction/{transaction_hash}03
include=internal_transactions on /block/{block_number_or_hash}010

For more information about what CUs are and how they're charged, visit our Compute Units page.

· One min read

Get Multiple NFTs will soon change to a dynamically priced endpoint.

From 27th February 2023, this endpoint will be priced dynamically, meaning that the cost of each request will be based upon how many NFTs are requested. The base cost will remain at 5 CUs and each additional NFT will cost an additional 5 CUs.

As an example, if one NFT is requested, then the cost will be 5 CUs. If 10 NFTs are requested, then the cost will be 50 CUs.

Read more about dynamic pricing